German Magazines: Gucci Gala
German Press: Bild

Rolling Stone previews five album tracks

Rolling Stone magazine have previewed five tracks off Madonna's new album - 4 Minutes to Save The World, Candy Store, Miles Away, Give It To Me and Heartbeat giving fans a teasing glimpse of what we can expect.

The article also gives a short description of the video for 4 Minutes to Save The World saying that Madonna and Timberlake play superheroes tackling physical obstacles.

To read the full article online visit

Thanks to denim1973


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Die to see it!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, it all sounds so interesting!!!!!!!


I can't wait till April.
I'm all worked up.
I think this Album is going to be amazing!!better then Confessions on the Dance Floor....
I think the first single from the new Album called "4 minutes to save the World" comes out in March with Justin Timberlake yippee!!!


Man! I am so exited! April can't get here soon enough!!!

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