Madonna's Daughter Lourdes: I Won't 'Go Blonde' Like Mom
Sunday, 26 September 2010
At Wednesday's Material Girl Collection launch at Macy's in NYC, Lourdes Leon Ciccone told that she's 'allowed' to start dyeing her hair when she turns 14 next month - but the natural brunette's not interested in her mother's most famous hue.
'I wouldn't go blonde,' Lourdes told reporters.
'I'd like to do a darker color - a really dark, dark red,' she explained.
Although she's granted Lourdes permission, Madonna, 52, isn't thrilled about her eldest's upcoming experiments with hair color. 'Once you start dyeing your hair that's it,' the singer (who should know!) said. 'You have to keep dyeing it.'
Another milestone for Lourdes: She just started attending New York's LaGuardia High School. 'I love it!' Lourdes told Us. 'It's amazing!'
The famous mom and daughter collaborated on the Material Girl line. 'She has a very good sense of what works and what doesn't,' Madonna said. 'She has really great sense of style. She pretty much ran all of the meetings while I was doing other things!'
Madonna's hard-and-fast rules for parenting? 'I think it just requires a lot of time and effort and paying attention,' Madonna told Us. The singer has three other kids: Rocco, her 10-year-old son with ex husband Guy Richie, plus son David and daughter Mercy, both adopted from the African nation of Malawi.