Madonna: 'Thank you David Bowie. I owe you a lot.'
Madonna leaves lasting impression after first concert in Oklahoma

Madonna's performs 'Rebel Rebel' in tribute to Bowie

Madonna paid tribute to David Bowie at her Rebel Heart Tour in Houston last night as she sung 'Rebel Rebel' while images of Bowie flicked up on the arena's screens with the word 'Rebel'. At the end of the performance, Madonna laid flat on the stage floor face down.

'I want to pay tribute to a man who inspired my career. If you haven't heard of David Bowie, look him up motherf**kers....He was one of the geniuses in the music industry, one of the greatest singer-songwriters of the 20th century and he changed my life when I went to see him in concert in Detroit. He showed me that it was okay to be different. And he's the first rebel heart that I laid eyes, I don't know, I think we should just get this party started! I hope you know the song.'


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Love this performance!!

Rabbit Bunny

I'm happy and proud of what Madonna cried! A great tribute to Bowie!

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