UK Press: Metro
Madonna's Instagram: Get Ready Toronto!

Madonna and Timor dine out in Rotterdam

Dutch TV show RTL Boulevard reported the news that Madonna and Timor Steffens were spotted dining together at Ono in Rotterdam this week.

It was also reported that Timor's mother had stated that she not sure to know what exactly is going on between Madonna and her son but it seemed obvious to her that is was more than just a meal!

Madonna was reported to be staying at Hotel New York in the city while visiting the dancer.

Picture from RTL Boulevard / thanks to Arend

However Madonna's rep has stated to the Gossip Cop website that 'it’s all crap' about a relationship between Madonna and Timor.



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There has only been one of these much younger relationships and that lasted 3 years so I don't get what everyone is going off about. If she were chasing every young stud in sight that would be different -- as it would for any normal person that only dated half their age.


Pablo Cancino that is the funniest comment ever!!! I couldn't agree more :-)


This is beginning to get boring. Pablo nailed it in the head. Do we really need to see another boy young enough to be her son suddenly embracing Kabbalah in her life? It's like a bloddy conveyer belt. Yes yes, we get it - he's hot and no doubt an animal in bed but get some self-respect and date someone who's more than a talking dildo just out of diapers and perhaps people will take you seriously again.

Pablo Cancino

And this starts to be boring, again:
1)Madonna and Timor leaving the kabbalah center
2)Madonna, family and Timor arriving at the airport in NY
3)Madonna and Timor arriving at the red carpet of some boring party
4)Madonna, Timor and family on summer vacations in Italy
please Madonna:
Push the button
Don't push the button
Trip the station
Change the channel!


I doubt they will go through with it. She just didn't want anyone feeling too sorry for her after the breakup. :)

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