Madonna's Instagram: 'I need my soldiers'
More #secretprojectrevolution locations announced

#secretprojectrevolution Update

Madonna has shared another update for the #secretprojectrevolution projections that start tonight in Berlin, London, Los Angeles, New York City and Toronto.

#secretprojectrevolution update: Remember to check the order of projections! It's one at a time in each city and then onto the next one!

What I look like is irrelevant! Haters need the revolution of love the most. I haven't slept in a week getting ready for this. Pay attention to details all will be made clear !#secretprojectrevolutionletsgo!


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@ THE QUEEN - spot on! Think M needs to stop 'hating on' people herself. If not, it's the pot calling the kettle black. After all, she needs all the fans she can get these days, with an ever-diminishing fan base! M has never had much time for her fans, if the truth be said. For her, it's all about the money, money, money (Jessie J stylee).


I thought she looked good!

Agree that I'd rather she avoided the word/concept 'haters', and that what she looks like is irrelevant when it's freedom that matters first and foremost. Still, I liked the pic!


Don't tell her to stop. Tell the rain not to drop. Tell the wind not to blow cause you said so... Let the secret project rEVOLution begin!


Dear M, slow your roll babe.

Anything that leads you to call people "haters" is not a good thing. It seems that you also "need the revolution of love the most."

Slow your roll babe, slow your roll.

xoxox, THE QUEEN!

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