BitTorrent and Madonna join forces for free speech
Press Release: secretprojectrevolution

Madonna's Hamptons horse farm road under scrutiny

A minor tempest over an access road built on Madonna's Hamptons horse farm appears to have been settled.
Newsday reports that Suffolk County officials sent the entertainer a cease-and-desist letter. It said her 24-acre Bridgehampton property was improperly being used as a cut-through for construction vehicles to get to her adjacent land.
The county prohibits any 'driveway, roadway, path or thoroughfare' on land belonging to its farmland preservation program. The only exception is for agricultural uses.
An attorney for Madonna's for Wild Horses Farms LLC, Edward Burke Sr., called it 'an unfortunate mistake.'
It has since been removed.
He says the unpaved road in question was always temporary. He adds that 'there was no harm done.'

From Associated Press Via Yahoo! News


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Free Speech but not free access.....hmmmm.....


First world problems...

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