Madonna's Instagram: Defend Human Rights
'Madonna' Turns 30: A Look Back at the Debut Album


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Troll Hunter

T, the Troll returns... The image and cover for Hard Candy WAS awful, I'll agree with for once on that one. But so was the music.


@Soft Sweeties - I guess the first album was mock R&B, right? Hard Candy sounds like classic 80's funk. The image for Hard Candy was awful and I think that along with the horrid cover art put people off.

The music is actually quite good, minus Spanish Lesson.

And Madonna is pushing 60. I love that she has veins protruding.

Soft Sweeties

Oh, God. Are we in for another mock R 'n' B album, a la Hard Candy? Nooooooooooooooo, make it stop!!!


wow!!!!check out that vein!! & before I start getting comments--its not a criticism-its an observation!!!xxxx


LOVE the pic, the grills not so much

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