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MDNA Fan Pictures: Kansas City (Part 1)

Singing 'Like A Prayer' with Madonna in Pittsburgh

madonnalicious reader Ramon shares his experience of singing along with Madonna during 'Like A Prayer' in Pittsburgh last week:

I want to share with you this amazing experience: I went to see Madonna last Tuesday at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's a 6 hours trip from Philadelphia where I live but totally worth it for seeing The Queen.
I had the amazing opportunity of singing Like A Prayer with Madonna in Philadelphia at the Wells Fargo Center on August 28, 2012. Then I got to see her again in Pittsburgh and as she was walking down the catwalk she recognized and pointed at me and gave me her microphone to sing Like A Prayer again...for the second time. Having the rare chance of singing with Madonna is amazing and twice incredible! I feel much more connected and in love with her. I have no words to describe the immense joy and happiness she has brought me by singing with her.
Here is a photo of me singing with her in Pittsburgh.


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It's VERY NICE how Madonna's giving Ramon the mike to sing into while at the same time she is giving him positive reinforcement in the form of a 'thumbs up' with her other hand!!! Ramon is so brave to sing along- even though I know the song & love Madonna, I just know that if I was in the same position I would be so overwhelmed that I would just 'freeze'! I'm glad that Madonna has re-embraced 'Like A Prayer' in recent tours- this wonderful song is the first Madonna song that turned me into a huge fan. 'Like A Prayer' is such a beautiful classic song, actually ALL the songs from the 'Like A Prayer' LP are brilliant, enduring classics- RS Mag rightly states that this LP 'Is as close to Art as Pop Music gets".

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