MDNA Fan Pictures: Las Vegas (Part 3)
Events: The NYC MDNA Tour After Party

Site News: If we took a 'Holiday'...

madonnalicious will be taking a short break offline this week. As you may (or may not) know this site is run by just one person and unfortunately even 'real-life' gets in the way of Madonna fandom sometimes!

A busy and important week at work (in the National Health Service) means I cannot update the site with news until early Saturday 27 October.

Please do keep sending your tour pictures and news to [email protected]

Clare aka Miss madonnalicious

For the latest information on Madonna's vocal health (after the cancellation of the first Dallas MDNA show on Saturday 20 October) - check


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Clare, thank you for the amazing job you have been doing for the last over ten years. I have been visiting your website religiously every day for the last ten years!!! A million thanks for all your effort, love and energy!

Engineer waleed alawadhi

thank you. You are doing you best through all these years , one person to built the best madonna website ? Wow you are amazing , i was there when you lunched it 11 years ago and i' m gonna be there till the end , good luck with your job , which is more important than anything else , and we will be waiting . God bless you always and forever .


Clare! Thank you for the site.
I think this is a good time for a little appreciation round :-)
I've been reading Madonnalicious since day 1 and it is one of my main sources of Madonna news. Thank you thank you thank you and hope you kick ass at work :-)

Greetings from Buenos Aires


Hi Clare

Hope you had a well-deserved break. I'm sure I speak for all Madonna aaddicts when I say THANK YOU for a fabulous site and for always keeping us updated on the movements of our queen. How you do it all on your own is beyond me. If yu ever need a helped just let me know!

Cesar Mendez


Thank you so much for your time and work. i love this site and I appreciate your time and effort you put into it.

I am a huge Madonna fan. I just saw her in Las Vegas for my Bday, it was my 28th time seeing her. I LOVE HER.

Thank you again.
Cesar Mendez


have a deserving HOLIDAY to CELEBRATE....

Marky Sparkle

Mark and Madonna thank Clare for doing such a great job.
(These sites will be going down early next year, transported to the "less honest-more industry friendly/untruthful" site at +

Have a good week off Clare, the National health Service needs more Progression Now like you xxoo


Thank you Clare xoxo

b brewer

Good luck and thank you for all the hard work you do!


Just one person?? OMG!!!! You'r amazing, great job and don't worry, we'll be there.

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