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Video: Madonna's birthday kiss for Nicki

Footage of the Madonna/Minaj kiss didn't make the cut of the official 'Gimme All Your Luvin'' video, much to fans' chagrin...but now, just in time to celebrate the release of Madonna's 12th studio album, MDNA, the never-before-seen clip of Nicki's birthday celebration with Madge has been made available exclusively to Yahoo! Music.

In the fly-on-the-wall footage, a cupcake-bearing Madonna serenades and smooches a delighted Nicki, while M.I.A. and a cast of video cheerleaders and boy-toy footballers cheer them on. Nicki is heard gushing, 'I have to thank the queen, Madonna, for giving me this opportunity. I love her so much, and she's fierce, and she didn't have to do this for me and M.I.A...Did you get the kiss with Madonna on camera?'


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Pablo Cancino

Wow!!, Madonna with little make up looks extremly young and beautiful, i thouht in the Giving all your luv Videa there was a lot of computer edition on her face in order to make her apear young and without wringles, but in this video she looks the same, excelent and she is very kind to everybody


God I luv them SPECIALLY MADONNA is such a SWEETHEART, I think a lot HATES MADONNA are ignorant and jelous have no life other criticizing of what she does or how she look but they never see what kind of person she is and I hate that WE LUV MADONNA MUAHHHH


What a brilliant way to celebrate a B-Day!
Some people are lucky,we all have lucky stars.

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