Madonna signs new record deal
Three Album Licensing Deal with Interscope Records Confirmed

Ask Madonna a Question!

'Nightline' anchor Cynthia McFadden has an upcoming exclusive interview with Madonna, which will air on 'Good Morning America,' 'Nightline' and '20/20' in the coming weeks.
But now is your chance to ask the iconic queen of Pop anything you want to know. We want you, the viewers, to ask the Material Girl questions. Fill out the form to tell us your question and 'Nightline' anchor Cynthia McFadden could put it directly to Madonna. Some will be selected for a special online feature.

To submit your question visit

Thanks to Alex


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James Wooldridge

Do you see any similarites between yourself at this stage of your career and the career of Mae West - both outspoken career women with gloriously notorious reputations ?

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