Press Pictures: W.E. Gala Screening
Fan Pictures: W.E. Gala Screening - Part 1

Who needs Lady Gaga?... Lady who?

madonnalicious reader Niall sent in his report from the gala screening of W.E. at the Empire Leicester Square last night:

Just thought I’d update you on my experience at the W.E. premiere last night.
I arrived at the same time as Madonna and was literally walking the red carpet behind her as she did lots of press interviews and chatted briefly to fans. Her trusty publicist Liz Rosenberg was at her side guiding her through the vast amount of press and photographers. Her manager Guy Oseary was also present and said hello to me. Madonna looked radiant but still very short in her high heels, it was hard to see her at times with all the attention swirling around her.
Once inside the huge 3,500 seater auditorium we took our seats. Posh mineral water and bars of Green & Blacks chocolate was laid out on every seat for people to enjoy. Madonna entered and the crowd went nuts. She stood up front and introduced the film and spoke a little about it and then introduced its stars. She then took her seat some five rows in front of me and as she did someone shouted 'You look gorgeous Madonna', to which Madonna elegantly smiled.
Another voice then shouted out 'Who needs Lady Gaga?' to which Madonna laughed and said 'Lady who?'
After the movie (which Madonna sat in her seat next to Guy for the entire time) she went back up front and did a question and answer session with the Artistic Director of the BFI and was very warm, witty and friendly.
All in all a pretty fabulous night!


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You forgot to comment the outstanding ovation she and her movie received at the end of it. W.E. is very, very fine movie and doesn't deserve the bad critis at all. Well done,Madonna!!


Lady GaGa's reign was short and sweet... Her gameplan was as see through as white mesh! She was never going to maintain that success or momentum for long, how could she?! Her art as she called it was based on pilfering and stealing from others, she lacked any grace or respect for her forefathers and has never publicly thanked them or been open about their influence on her. There is a major difference between ripping someone off and being inspired by and paying homage to them, Madonna paid homage to her icons, GaGa used them and then blatantly tried to fob us all that it was her work. You simply cannot maintain a career based on that ignorance, GaGa has had her moment, the world has already moved on and her latest album and singles sales prove that beyond any shadow of doubt... Will the next Madonna wannabe please stand up, please stand up!!


Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story! I wish I was there too :( I hope I can see Madonna in real life one day too!


I refuse to believe Madonna said something like this, she must have understood bad, when they made some noise, I'm a fan of this woman since the age of 12 now have 35, I went to a show on this last tour in Sao Paulo, but for those who forgot the microphone on and said he hated hydrangeas given to her by a fan can be "Gagá" .


I loved her reply, she is awesome


So disrespectful! Gaga says nothing but nice things about Madonna and respects her as a fellow artist. I love you Madonna, but get over yourself!

Dean Ismail

thanks for this post! I was there too, but I missed her reply. I was wondering what she said to the "who needs Lady Gaga" thing.
People were still laughing around me for me to hear what Madonna said to that :-)
The film was BREATHTAKING!
(so is Madonna herself - she looks soooooooooo much better in real life. Now I know the pictures of her looking bad are photoshopped for sure..)

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