Promoter: Madonna tour schedule a hoax
Liz Rosenberg declares tour list is a 'fake'

Madonna: Truth or Dare Heading to Blu-ray

Lionsgate Films have revealed that they are planning to release on Blu-ray Alek Keshishian and Mark Aldo Miceli's Madonna: Truth or Dare a.k.a In Bed with Madonna (1991).
The exact technical specs, region coding status, and special features to be included on this release are unknown at the moment. However, Madonna: Truth or Dare is expected to hit retail shelves in January 2012.

From / - thanks to Gianfranco


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Please let there be extra frottage in this release! We have all waited *SO* long for it!!!!!!!!!


I doubt it would contain any extra footage. Otherwise there would be huge announcement about that.


What I read about the Blond Ambition tour was that when it was released on laserdisk one of the clause on the contract was that it was not going to be released in other formats (vhs , dvd). I dont know if the information is right, but we have to wait and see if one day we can all have the mother of modern touring on bluray.


At the time, it was said that many more hours of footage were filmed during the Blond Ambition frenzy. Hopefully we'll get to see a little included as bonus here? Together with the show itself, this meant Madonna's most entertaining moment ever.


Wonderful, we get to see glorious Blonde Ambition footage in High Definition. It looks as if the rest was filmed on 16mm film??? so doubt we'll see any major picture difference in the black and white footage.

In any case, it's brilliant news. Can't wait till January.


That is good, but I already have this in DVD(not blue-ray)...I would prefer the Virgin Tour, or Re-Invention tour on DVD instead.

The Lion

And still no Blond Ambition Tour...

Pat Bradley

That's such a great doc--and a capsule of her career at it's peak!

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