Mexican Magazines: Hola!
Events: Desperately Seeking Susan in New York City


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Madonna was polite to the fan. Some asshole decided to release her personal comment after the fan left. Since the comment was (intentionally)inaudible, the jackass put in subtitles in order to spread her gossip.
With all the uproar, Madonna of course was bound to cash in on the publicity with this cute video. Two Thumbs way up, Madonna!


love it!!!!!!!!!


yeeessss !
she still rocks, she is MADONNA, what did you expect ?? her to appologize & cry? ! WTF we're talking about THE Queen Madonna. I was afraid that she might have grown a little old and become too wise, but thank God, she is still there, this video is saving my weekend ! thanks M, I love you more than ever !!keep on saying F off & rising your finger high to whoever you think deserves it! PS : we want new music NOW!! love.


I loved her since I was a kid...and I respect her at all...but the thing that she did was kind rude...and making this video...Madonna Plz


Madonna did say thank you.... and then gave her honest opinion ABOUT THE FLOWER, NOT the person, to a coworker. She never said, "How dare he give me these flowers?" or "What an idiot? Who would like these flowers?" She simply said, "I hate them and he obviously doesn't know that."

Jesus Christ.


I love Madonna, but I think what she did was kinda rude. I mean, yeah she doesn't like those flowers but she didn't have to make such a big deal out of it either. I know if it was me, I would appreciate what my fans did for me!! The fans get the artist where they are!!!

Daniel Smeets

the whole effort to tape this video and publish it on youtube and me wasting my time watching it and then
write a comment, speaks for itself!


I'm such a fan of hers but I think she was quite nasty about receiving the flowers. There's no need for her reaction. All she had to say was thank you. I think the person that gave it to her would have been so humiliated.


So fucking funny



Terry Rittenhouse

I think it was rude and ungracious of Madonna to say what she did. Of course she is entitled to not like certain flowers, but it is no excuse for bad manners.



I cant fucking believe it! I cant close my mouth in chock!
Man, its funny as fuck, but she really twists the knife. HAHA!

Marky Mark

I can not Stop LAUGHING. That is the funniest shit ever. Stomp on that ugly ass thing.


Good one! Oh, Madonna, eres lo maximo!

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