Madonna opens legal defence against Malawi workers
Debbie Harry: I could have been Madonna


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parça kontör

i love your song misss madonna, thanks


Madonna was never ex-communicated from the Catholic Church. I wonder if whoever wrote this heard it from someone or made it up himself.

Johnny Catholic

You should all comment when you get the facts about the Opus Dei which means "Work of God" from the Catholic Church and in a nutshell teaches about finding God through one's work - what is wrong with that? It's about being the lawyer, doctor, engineer, whatever you may choose as your walk in life and finding God in it. Plus the Catholic Church is the only true Christian church which has been around since Jesus' times. So all power to her if the rumors are true. God bless you all. Peace.


The Opus Dei is to the Catholic Church what Guantanamo is for Democracy. So I doubt Madonna would join that army of psychopathic religious extremists.

David Rino

How could someone so liberal in her way of thinking belong to the Opus Dei which is one of the most conservative (to keep it civil) wings of the Catholic Church. Get real people!!!


And if this is so, so what? She is obviously a sprititual woman and one need not follow only one path.


I agree with James: You can be Catholic and follow kabbalah at the same time.


Anyone who claims to be a true Madonna fan could never ever believe something like this, it's just not possible. you you know a little bit about Madonna you know this gossip is not true.


This performance from The Confessions Tour was brilliant. There was so much truth behind it it was scary, gave me chills. The backdrop was perfect for this song. AGAIN, MADONNA showing off her brillance.

That is just absurd!

parça kontör

I don't believe it. Within the last week, I saw pictures of her and the kids taken at The Kabbalah Center in NY..


This new doesen't surprise me cos i think she never give up Catholicism.


What utter rubbish! Madonna was never officially excommunicated from the Catholic Church, and as someone already commented, she was out with her brood attending a Kabbalah service just the other week.


@Miguel I have to agree with you but at the same time I like this article, she looks good crucified


I think being Catholic and Kabbalah is not an issue.....


LOL!!!! This is probably the most ridiculous gossip about Madonna I've ever heard!! LOL!!!


I don't believe it. Within the last week, I saw pictures of her and the kids taken at The Kabbalah Center in NY.

Lyrical A.I.

She's very open minded. She believes in herself and she believes in God...this is what drove her to brilliance in the first place. She obviously questions many things in life as she has shown through her creative output but doubt has never won the keys to her heart.


How is it such a brilliant woman is not bright enough to be a sceptic? Mind-boggling.

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