Madonna's macrobiotic cook home in Japan
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tour 2011 pls come to puerto rico


another ray of light or confessions would be great.. im sure madge will make beautiful music.. i dont really like the idea of madge doing collaborations with singers.. but if she is i would love collaborations with cher and kylie minogue.. i think that would be a musical orgasm haha.. and i know for a fact that this album will be an instant hit.. and the tour i know it will be phenomenal..


I'm only saying this because others have mentioned lady gaga. Don't get me wrong, I love Lady gaga and I can understand why so many compare her with Madonna, but to truly compare them is a disservice to both artists and persons. I think Lady Gaga is great and I love her, but there will only be one reigning queen and it's position is and will always be held by Miss Madonna! Every female artist out there owes their careers and being able to do what they do to Madonna. Madonna has and continues to do things no one else has ever done. There will never be another Madonna and she will always hold my heart. I love you M and I can't wait for the new music.


who's lady gaga?


I hope that trips to Malawi and Rio have influenced Her. I fancy that her new music will be kind of "tribal" - but not etno - just a lil bits of inspiration. A certain sounds. Something like "Sanctuary" from "Bedtime stories" - but more up-tempo.
On the other hand I would like to see Her go into "hipster party" direction. She could collaborate with someone like Steve Aoki for example. I think they would make a new quality together.
And videos - I hope she'll do a lot of them this time. During "Ray of light" era She made videos to 5 songs from that album.
I imagine that new videos will be somewhat erotic and very classy and the same time. Something like Steven Klein's "Blame it on Rio" photoshoot with Jesus Luz and other models. I know she's no longer with her brazilian boy but still she can use some hot male models in videos and play with them :)
But whatever decision she'll make I know I'm gonna love it.


yes you can beat all!....Lady Gaga and others be careful the real Queen comes again....she still rocks!....


i've been to listening to early tracks...back from Emmy...and love her rock and roll sound. I hope she moves in this direction and away from hip hop oriented music. No rappers please!


Then, Madonna, just give the Sparks a call.


It's about time, M.!


I looovvve youuuu Madonna!!!


Hey Madge! Your next Artwork is going to be Another Masterpiece! My Evita Lady, may you always deliver and rock! I Love You!


YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! Here she comes again!! That is what I am talking about!


Finalmente... excelentes noticias... I can not wait !

Alexandre & Viktor

..That's my Queen!!


you go girl! that is why you are the number one queen of pop and always will be. can't wait! love you M!


i wanna write with you.xx j


ohhhhh it's sooooooo exciting I want that new album already!!!!!!!!!!!!!


w-hoo! :-)

Madonna Lover!


Crazy Bengie FB

Hello your majesty Madonna.
It's me, your west London west Coast, west Africa, west Indian related boy, Crazy Bengie FB.
Please may I humbly submit my telephone number to you, for your use for more & future collaborations. You know me, your majesty Madonna. I haven't changed because whilst I am some what shy, I am real & true.
Please call or leave me a message & number on the number at my site : or
There are some technical issues relating to the site emails so please use the telephone number ending 2701.
Your majesty, Madonna, I humbly await your further instructions & advice attentively.
Crazy Bengie FB

ps: you know I want to.


She just described Shawn Penn. Is this the reason she married him and not me :)?



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