Madonna is Graham Norton's dream guest
Madonna Letter Reveals Movie Misery

Events: Interactive Screening of In Bed With Madonna

Fans in London can attend the audience interactive screening of In Bed with Madonna @ Bistrotheque on Sunday 17 October 7:30pm.

You are invited to celebrate and participate in this audience interactive experience!
Sing-a-long to your favourite songs!
Shout your favourite quotes ('Do something else! Do my eyebrows!')
Come in costume! Prizes for best ponytail and eyebrows!
Dance and Sing, Get up and Do Your Thing and Strike a Pose, cos as the woman says, there's nothing to it!
IN BED WITH MADONNA - Like you've never seen it before!


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If anybody from Louisville, KY is out there reading this: What do we have to do to get this tradition started in town?? It would be fabulous!


The e was deleted from blonde to demonstrate a more masculine take on the Marilyn Monroe influence of the ultimate gentlemen prefer blonds. The blond is a stronger influence than blonde. Get your Madonna text books out.

true blue 1986

blonde is spelt with an 'e' here in england! and as it's a london show it's spelt the 'english way!


She is still cool, but the press want to demonstrate the contrary. They don`t like Madonna, and want to force people to think Gaga is cooler. They are a bit idiot and bad, so it is logic they understand better other artists. When Madonna is 80 she will be more cooler than when Gaga is 25.

R Littler

Yeah, that annoyed me too, but then again they put an 'e' on the end of 'Blond' (mortal sin!) so they obviously don't know anything about M anyway!


the ad says: "see M when she was actually cool ... there was a time when she was" I don't really get this... well... I do think she is still cool... anyone agree?

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