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Ted Tuesday's Madonna tshirt


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I love this woman!



I cannot believe how madonna and lourde sendind wrong message to teenager, it ovious most of the clothe are inapropriate.
I just hope that the fan will listen to sensible poeple with a pure mind instead of pop incon who still searching for happyness

Take care

Pablo Cancino

Well, i think that it sounds like Che Guevara T-shirts, Madonna was a rebel against society and at the same time victim of a capitalist envoironment, so her eighties dressing was expontaneus and came from the people, the american low class girls who were not listened by her parents, i think Lola asks herself what did it all come from? her world must be perfect with all that blessings in life, but still America and the world is not perfect with so much poverty and caos, i hope Lola, in her position will reveal more light as an artist. On the other hand, it scares me a little bit looking at Madonna getting older maybe because im afraid to get older too, anyway, god bless the queen


LOVE MADONNAAA !!!!!! Can't waittttt for the line to hit macy's!! You should LIKE material girl collection on facebook :-)

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