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Madonna - The Best-Of 2000-2010: Winners Announced

Nearly 1000 fans entered the competition to win one of five copies of the limited-edition Madonna - The Best-Of 2000-2010 book.

The correct answers to the Who's That Girl With Madonna? contest were:

1 - Gwyneth Paltrow
2 - Queen Elizabeth II
3 - Britney Spears
4 - Lady Gaga

The winners have been contacted and will receive their copy of the book direct from the publishers. Congratulations go to our madonnalicious winners:

Heather S - Ohio, USA
Jens K - Sinn, Germany
Katherine S, Corsham, UK
Maurice LSK - Paris, France
Tony B - London, UK

Don't worry if you were not one of the winners - fans can still pre-order the book from:


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