Celebration Released in Some Countries Today
Celebration: Two-CD Edition

Madonna: 'I appreciate every single one of you'

Here is Madonna's thank you's at the end of the credits on the Celebration CD:

Thank you to Michael Rosenblatt for bringing me to Seymour Stein who made it possible for me to make music.
Thank you to my Warner Bros Records family for all your hard work and effort throughout the years.
Special thanks to all the fans for your love and support. I appreciate every single one of you.


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Mario Carrillo

In 1984 I was in the 7th grade when I discovered who Madonna...she's been a part of my life ever since!!..Love you M

natasha klugman

Madonna is a queen with a difference, her sense of humour, her dazzling smile and her vivacious spirit entwine to create an awesome eclectic celebration of music. Since the beginning her words her been poignant and resonate with so many people, she has always been my role model and always will. Bless you Madonna x x


my single arse is gonna buy that single for .99 this weekend


Excellent to see that amid all the madness of the last 27 years Madonna still appreciates and remembers her fans. Without fans an artists is nothing, but how dismal would our lives have been without Madonna?

As the recent 'Rolling Stone' review says, how lucky are we to be living our lives when an artist like Madonna is alive too.

Thanks Madonna. Viva La Celebration!

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