Sticky & Sweet Tour: Sao Paulo Fan Pictures - Part 1
Sticky & Sweet Tour: Sao Paulo Fan Pictures - Part 2


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i couldnt agree less! she was briliant and she always set the stadiums for 70 and 80 thousand people on never before..
this was her best tour to date! never i have seen her interact so much with the public and having so much energy on stage.
those who dont agree were obviously very away from the stage.


I couldn't agree with you more, this world tour wasn't the best the reinvention tour was's like she's lost her sparkle.


I am quite glad this tour has come to an end. This has to be the least favorite Madonna concert I have seen, RIT being the top. I hope she finds someone else other than Jaime King for her next show cuz Madge needs new energy not recycled!

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