UK Press: Sunday Mirror
Sticky & Sweet Tour: Cardiff Fan Pictures - Part 1

Fan Report From Cardiff

Here is our first fan report from the Cardiff show - check back tomorrow for even more reports! This report is from madonnalicious reader John:

Hey madonnalicious - just wanted to tell you what an amazing show last night was! I've seen all of Madonna's live shows now including some of the smaller promo gigs. Sticky & Sweet did not disappoint. It was one of the best EVER. Madonna was fabulous and the set list was just perfect. Loved the rework of Like A Prayer. Worth every penny of the £160 paid for the seat. But let's clear a couple of things up:
The crowd booing because she was late on - NOT TRUE. The crowd did boo and then cheer and then boo but this was down to a rather disappointing, half hearted attempt at a mexican wave by the crowd. They booed when the crowd just didn't bother participating! Not because M was late on stage.
Late start - so what! Madge never comes on stage early - and what was the crowd a bunch of old age pensioners?
The crowd -for the most part a great bunch and what an amazing atmosphere. But some where just a right bunch of moaners! Complaining that Kylie would never be on this late!
My only small gripe about the show (and I am a HUGE Maddy fan) was the crap film work on the big screens. Dodgy camera work resulted in out of focus shots and we couldn't make out what was going on on stage. Get it sorted Madonna!
Otherwise, a big fat 10 out of 10.
PS - LOVED Madonna doing the double dutch with those skipping ropes.
PPS - Cardiff you are great - my first trip to Wales - you are all fabulous hosts and the atmosphere was electric.


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She's never said that she abhors BEING late, she's said that she abhors OTHER PEOPLE being late.

It's common with egotistical personalities that they demand things from other people that they themselves refuse to give. It's a sign of feeling superior: in her own mind she has valid justifications for her lateness, but anyone that keeps HER waiting is not recognising her importance and is just holding her up.


So AGREE with you Damo! What's wrong with you moaners!? All what resonates from this bitching is a boring whingeing from unhappy little spoilts who can't even appreciate all the hard work, creativity and energy spent to deliver what it looks to be such a great show. So what!? It didn't live up to your same old expectations!??? Well, fair enough, everyone's entitled to have and express his opinion. But if you're gonna bitch for the sake of it, at least show a mininimum of respect for the artist that she is...Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was with 3 lazy spoonfuls of sugar this Sticky and Sweet show delivered to you!!!


Why did they say 40.000 then? When I saw clips it looked pretty full up!

I'm fed up of people bitching bout this tour. Least go and see it first then bitch!


The concert looks too much like a re-work of "The Girly Show" with Madonna playing Britney Spears. And why was she late??? She abhors lateness. Very strange!


The place was jam packed, it said in the cardiff paper only 40,000 sold but if you look on the other page it said 72,000... trust me there were hardly any empty seats it was 97% full!

& they boo'ed at madonna because she was on so late and every1 standing up was aching and angry


may i ask you something? is it true that the stadium was half empty??? please tell me???is it true that only 40000 out of 70000 tickets were sold???is it true that there were a lot of empty seats last night???

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