Madonna named Most Elegant Female of 2007
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I really Hope this is True.. i think Madonna is a good role model For Britney!! madonna would be the best person ever if she would help her.. Britney really needs help from this paparzzis!!! as you can see on that photo THERE! Crazy!


Madonna said recently that she tried to help her but Britney wouldn´t let her, so she wouldn´t help someone who doesn´t want to help herself. Those were Madonna´s words.
To me that´s a good thing. Britney is not right and if I was Madonna I wouldn´t let her get near my children, that could be very dangerous for Lola and Rocco (as it is for Britney´s children). I mean, you never know what Britney´s gonna do, I´d keep her away from my family.


i hope that for Britney before another announced tragedy..
kisses from Italy


I can see Madonna reaching out to offer help, however, Britney has to be ready to accept help...and I don't think she is, from anyone.


Yep, I agree with you guys! It just sounds a poor bunch of crap to me! What might be true is that M got over Britney silently...She did joke sarcastically about Britney going out with no underwear when she was on the Jay reno show (I think?) to promote Arthur and the minimoys....And that said it all about what M thought of the troubled girl at the time...


This just sounds like a bunch of BS to me. While I can't imagine Madonna not being helpful I just can't picture her talking in this context.


I REALLY doubt this is true. Madonna said in a recent interview she has not seen or talked to Britney in ages. I doubt M would want to be involved in the drama.


OMG! thats MANY paparazzis on the photo of the second page.
someone help this girl @_@

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